Marin Carbon Project

Everything we do depends on the health of our soil! We can't have healthy cows without abundant, nutrient-dense forages. We can't have thriving forages without soil that is cared for and respected. 

We are thrilled to have a Carbon Plan written through the Marin Carbon Project. 

As lifelong learners, our family is always trying to learn how we can do better for our livestock and the land that we steward. As part of the Marin Carbon Project, we partner with a team of advisors to increase organic matter in our soil. This promotes the growth of native grasses, but also increases carbon sequestration. We are collecting atmospheric carbon in our pastures. 

Marin Carbon Project's vision:
"Our vision is for Marin landowners and managers of agricultural ecosystems to serve as stewards of soil health and to undertake carbon farming in a manner that can improve on-farm productivity and viability, enhance ecosystem function, and stop and reverse climate change for the equitable benefit and enjoyment of all Marin’s residents."